Dr Saniflo Macerator Repair Service In Great Britain
Contact form at there bottom of the page:
Most answers to Saniflo problems can be found on this page Saniflo FAQ
If your problem is not listed then please follow the steps below.
If your problem is about a Saniflo we need to know,
1,The make and model.
2, The symptoms.
3, Not sure of the make and model, send a photo.
4, If you have video on your phone email a short clip of your problem.
5, If you have a question about parts follow steps above.
Without the above information we cannot help you.
There are many Macerator pumps on the market, they all do the same job but work differently so need to be repaired differently.
I am working on client properties in the daytime so are unable to take phone calls as my clients are being charged by the hour.
I will reply to your emails in between jobs if possible if not I will reply at the end of the day when my client work is complete.
PLEASE NOTE: You will not receive a reply if you do not provide us with the information we need, this information is vital for us to be able to assist you in the correct way.
If your photo won’t upload fill out the form and we will provide an email address.
Doctor Saniflo.
If the contact form doesn’t work use the comment box below